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(日本語) アメリカ・ファーストと対北朝鮮軍事オプション⑤~アメリカ・ファーストが軍事オプションの背中を押す?
(日本語) アメリカ・ファーストと対北朝鮮軍事オプション④~トランプ政権と重なる北朝鮮攻撃の「最後の機会」
(日本語) アメリカ・ファーストと対北朝鮮軍事オプション③~どこを攻撃するというのか?
(日本語) アメリカ・ファーストと対北朝鮮軍事オプション②~ソウルを「人質」にとられている
(日本語) アメリカ・ファーストと対北朝鮮軍事オプション①~北朝鮮攻撃の誘惑
(日本語) トランプの「過激な不確実性」は思った以上に根が深い
(日本語) トランプ大統領が開く 「過激な不確実性」の時代 ~ドナルド・トランプが 我々を不安にする三つの理由
Japan and the U.S. Economy under President Trump
The economic policy of President Trump will have both positive and negative influence on Japanese economy. As the BOJ has just upgraded its forecast for this year, Japanese economy will certainly merit, at least for a short term, from the possible economic boom in the United States as a result of Trump’s economic policy such as radical tax cut, increase in fiscal spending, and drastic deregulation. The Abe administration already seems to try to gain Trump’s gratitude and find business opportunities for Japanese companies by encouraging and helping Japanese business to invest more in the States. For a long term, however, a robust U.S. economy may have destructive impact on Japan.
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Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe’s “Departure from the Postwar Regime”
Mr. Donald Trump will take office as the 45th President of the United States later today. As I ceased to update my blog from personal reasons after he won the election on November 9, I should publish at this timing what I think about Japan and the United States under President Trump.
In the field of international commerce, Trump’s intension to withdraw from already signed Tran-Pacific Partnership agreement is certainly a blow to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as Japan just ratified it only a month ago. On national security front, however, Abe must be thinking, or will soon start thinking, to take advantage of the advent of President Trump for realizing his dream of “departure from the postwar regime.” In other words, Abe potentially has an incentive to “deal” with the new president of the United States.
Continue reading Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe’s “Departure from the Postwar Regime”